Wargaming List Tactics: Attack, Support, Defense

One of the concepts that we explore in wargaming is the idea of the list. The list being the units you have selected for your army, armada, or war band, combined with the tactics of what they are going to do on the table.

Each and every wargame has two objectives: first attack units each turn and remove as many as possible, second use your units to accomplish mission goals based on the scenario of the game.

In this way, you ware working to win the mission while preventing your opponent from winning the mission.

But how do we go about doing this?

Especially if you are new to warming- what is a tactica that you can try out in your next game to increase the win factor?

Here is a great starting list temple, great as in it will give you a solid starting point for winning, and over time you can adjust it to suit your playstyle and player personality.

Essentially we are going to take the models/units you have and divide them into the following three groups with the following tabletop objectives.

The first group is your attack group. These models are going to go out and engage opposing models and try to cause as much damage as possible before they themselves are destroyed. The units in this group will get wiped out over time, the tactica being how much damage can you do and how many turn can you keep them going before they are completely destroyed. This group of models [attack] works on removing your opponent's models so they can’t complete mission objectives, while at the same time keeping your opponent busy dealing with them so it is harder for them to focus on the over-all game and mission objectives.

Tactica tip: Go after weak models and weaker enemy groups. The more models and unit your attack group can gobble up before being destroyed keep the focus on them and not on the mission for your opponent. Avoid attacking strong or stronger units.

The second group is the defense group. These models/units are going to focus on winning the mission objectives, whatever they might be. They can attack opponent groups and can work on removing opposing units, but not at the expense of the mission objectives. These units do what need to be done to win the game.

The third group is the support group. This group of units is your reactionary group. They do what needs to be done in the current turn of the game, remaining fluid. Need some more attack dice to attack a unit this turn, they [support] attacks.

Need some more mission objective units this turn- use them on defense.

See a mistake somewhere your opponent made? Don’t use the attack or defense models, use these supporting models.

Start with these three groups and give it a try in your next game.

See you in the game!

As a Wargaming enthusiast I share my tactics, list builds, and hobby content on this blog with the aim of leveling up your next game. 

Battletech, Godtear, X-Wing Miniatures, Warhammer 40K, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, Chain of Command, Pacific Rim: Extinction, and Board Games.

You can also find me on my YouTube Channel here or contact me by email here.